The QuadPara Association of South Africa (QASA) has joined the Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance (OUTA) in the application to halt the e-tolls. People with mobility impairment in South Africa, especially wheelchair users have not been consulted since inception of this programme.
QASA made submission for concession on a number of occasions with no response. There is no alternative accessible and affordable, safe public transport for wheelchair users in Johannesburg and Pretoria and this is the case throughout South Africa. People with mobility impairment, who have always used the road for their routing, are now, without alternatives going to be paralysed by the pricing and the programme.
There are few people who have the opportunity and privilege to drive themselves using vehicle with adaptions and they should also qualify to be exempt from paying the prescribed Toll fee. However, this does not solve the problem for the majority of wheelchair users in the greater Gauteng area.
Most wheelchair users do not have their own vehicles. They rely on the goodwill of the community and family in order to get around within the city. There is no solution to exempt this constituency from paying the toll and QASA is calling for the removal of the system. The South African Disability Alliance (SADA) has unanimously agreed to support QASA’s position in the interest of equitable solutions with people with disabilities in South Africa.
Issued by Ogilvy on behalf of OUTA and QASA
For more information contact:
QuadPara Association of South Africa (QASA)
Ari Seirlis – Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 031 7670352/48
Mobile: 082 9014150