The goal of universal health coverage is essential and not negotiable. We believe that unless the NHI Bill is changed substantially it is unlikely to get us to this goal.

R24bn of provincial health department expenditure between 2009 and 2013 was irregular

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 NHI: We can’t afford to get this wrong


OUTA wants to make it clear that the goal of universal health coverage is essential and not negotiable.

However, we believe that unless the NHI Bill is changed substantially it is unlikely to get us to this goal. Access to healthcare affects every single person in the country, and we urgently need a national debate about this Bill. OUTA will discuss the NHI Bill with experts from a range of fields (economists, medical professionals etc) to help find  solutions for a universal health coverage system. We will then make a submission during the public participation process on the Bill.

What risks do we foresee with the NHI Bill in its current form? 

It makes no sense to impose a new system on top of a broken health system without fixing that system first.

We have seen an endless list of examples of public funds (e.g. the Road Traffic Fund) and entities (like Eskom,         the SABC, Denel, SAA) and government departments which have been targeted for looting. We need to see a         cast-iron system for guarding big funds before risking such an enormous new venture.

How will SA fund the NHI? Our country is lurching deeper and deeper into debt, with no possibility of extra         funds for the NHI.

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