Odoo image and text block

Hello there!

My name is Aart! I am your friendly go-to guru on all things AARTO related.

Over the next couple of months I will be bringing you all the information you need to understand this complicated regulation.


I know the difference between e-tolls and AARTO can be confusing.  

Odoo CMS - a big picture



Dear Supporter,

Thank you for reaching out to me. It’s the reason I am here, to assist with all your AARTO related questions.

There are a few ways to sort this out under the current AARTO Act. But the most important one is for you to make a Representation.

To make a Representation you will need to complete the AARTO 08 form, which can be found on the RTIA website, stating that the vehicle does not belong to you, so you should not be expected to pay the fine. Once the Representation Officer receives your statement, they will investigate your case and determine whether to allow or reject your Representation. 

Should the Representation Officer allow your Representation, the issued fine will be cancelled. If they reject your request, you will be informed of the reasons for the decision. An AARTO 09 form will be issued to you for either decision.

If you still believe that you should not be liable for the fine you can approach the courts to hear your case. If not, you will have 32 days to pay the fine in full plus all fees for the Representation and Courtesy Letter or apply to have the payment made in installments within 32 days.

Unfortunately, should the AARTO Amendment Act kick in, you will still be able to make a Representation, but should your request be rejected, you will not be able to approach a court to hear your argument yet. You will only be able to approach the Appeals Tribunal, and only if you are unhappy with their response, will you be able to approach the court. The demerit system will also kick in, which means that once the Enforcement Order for your fine is issued or you pay the fine, you will receive demerit points.

As a friendly reminder, please make sure that all your contact information and vehicle details are always updated on the E-Natis online system.

I hope this helped to answer your question. 

To read more about OUTA's Aarto Amendment act project click here


Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

Offence or Infringement 


Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

Courtesy Letter


Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

Enforcement Order


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